News Item

Senate Inquiry hiding Pro Life Submissions

The Senate Inquiry into Reproductive Choices will shortly hand down its report.

Yet as of 9am on May 1, only 245 submissions had been uploaded to the Senate inquiry website, the vast majority of whom were prochoice. Despite over 1500 Australians submitting to this inquiry, only 63 prolife submissions have been uploaded. Yet, there are only a few days to go until the inquiry hands down its report.

Furthermore, the Senate inquiry has conducted 4 oral hearings and 102 witnesses have appeared to provide oral evidence. Not a single prolife individual or organisation has been invited to give oral evidence.

Dr Joanne Howe has uploaded a Youtube video explaining the Committee’s failure to show the extent of pro life submissions.

Why has the inquiry into reproductive healthcare been HIJACKED?

We must call out the apparent bias in the conduct of this inquiry. You can do so by emailing the Inquiry to [email protected]
Please do this and make your voice heard!

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