News Item

Qld: Push for satanism in schools

Last Saturday evening, an interview with ACL’s Queensland Director, Wendy Francis, was included in a story on A Current Affair regarding the Noosa Temple of Satan’s vow to “fight like hell” to have satanism taught in Queensland schools and for devil-worshippers to be accepted as chaplains.

An application has been filed by the cult with Queensland’s Supreme Court to allow Satanists to teach children in schools.

Comments on social media have revealed that many Australians view the push as a joke, but Wendy said in the interview, “This is not a stunt, it’s not a joke, it’s not funny. It’s very serious”.

The head of the satanic cult here in Queensland, Robin Bristow, has been photographed waiting outside a Brisbane school dressed in a black cloak with a skull in his hand, approaching school students, seeking to recruit them into his evil plan.

Parents have every right to be angry about this.

Please join us in praying that the Supreme Court application will be rejected and that Queensland school children will be protected from this diabolical agenda.

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