News Item

Bell does Well

Troy Bell the Independent member for Mt Gambier has tabled a motion in the Lower House which calls for the removal of barriers to adoption so that more SA children could be placed in permanent homes rather than in foster care.

This is a very important motion. While it will not create law, it will get the Parliament thinking along a path which could lead to a change of law. Increasing access to adoption would be a great change.

It is wonderful that members are thinking along these lines. After years of adoption being denigrated, there is a move to recognise its importance in proper care for children who come under the State’s protection. After all, we who are in Christ have been adopted by Jesus Christ to God the Father (Ephesians 1:5).

For those of you who live in Mt Gambier, please take a moment to write to, ring or visit Troy Bell and commend him for this initiative.

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