a person wearing a white shirt


Thank you for standing with thousands of faithful advocates 

… to see God’s Truth advance in Australia. 

Your monthly partnership as an Advocate for Truth strengthens our voice as we make God’s Truth public in our great nation on an increasing number of crucial issues – on life and death matters like euthanasia and abortion, to safeguarding our freedoms in expressing our beliefs, and upholding God’s design for sexuality, families, and communities, and more. 

Plus, you’ll help meet the $523,000 that’s needed each month to empower ACL’s team of specialist lobbyists and state representatives as they voice Truth on your behalf in our parliaments, law courts, and the public square. 

Thank you for joining hands with us as a force for good in our country. Your faithful commitment helps ensure that the wisdom of the Word of God will continue to influence our politicians, transform our legal and cultural contours, and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ will have free course in Australia, and be glorified! 

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