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Gender Ideology

Gender fluid ideology used to be a fringe, postmodern concept. Today, it is causing untold harm, particularly to children and teenagers. Proponents would have us believe that ‘gender is fluid’, ‘everyone is on a spectrum’ and it’s possible for female to become male and male become female. But it’s a cruel lie. Politically and culturally, this ideology is creating a prison for desperate children, consigning them to lifelong medical interventions, plastic surgery, and hormone dependence, all in an attempt to maintain a façade that denies scientific reality and leaves a trail of regret and devastation. It’s a modern-day tragedy.  

Preserving the understanding of biological sex as a core aspect of our humanity is essential. By speaking the truth in love, we can safeguard traditional family values and shield society from the harm that results from neglecting Truth. 

This page empowers you to take action, speak truth on sex and gender, and protect our children.


At a time when faith in the integrity and quality of modern journalism is at an all-time low, Channel 7’s recent ‘Spotlight’ episode ‘de-transitioning’ truly stands out from the pack. The episode uncovers the irreparable damage being visited on a generation of confused kids wrongly diagnosed as transgender. This isn’t just a must-watch; it’s a call to action for all who care about the future of our next generation. Below, you’ll find a link to the full episode, and we encourage you to congratulate Channel 7 for their excellent journalism and courage in bringing these stories to mainstream media.

a man wearing a suit and tie


Discover what Australians think about topics related to gender, sex, and identity.

An independent gender poll reveals the views of the Australian public on issues such as gender-affirming care, education, gender transitions, and more. Gain valuable insights into the perspectives of your fellow citizens and stay informed on this critical discussion shaping our society.

NSW Conversion Practices Legislation

The passing of the proposed ‘Conversion Practices’ Bill could see:

  • The removal of parental rights to teach our children according to our Christian worldview
  • Pastors criminalised for praying or articulating a biblical sexual ethic
  • Healthcare workers coerced to provide affirming care for those who are confused about their sex

Oppose the Conversion Practices Prohibition Bill

The purpose of the Bill is to introduce ‘conversion’ bans related to ‘sexual orientation’ and ‘gender identity’. 

There is a danger that NSW parents could lose the legal right to discuss issues of sex and sexuality with their children under new conversion practices legislation.