a group of people sitting in front of a crowd
a group of people sitting in front of a crowd



Ideology-based third-party groups are vying to teach your children sex education under the guise of ‘anti-bullying’ and ‘respectful relationships’ programs. 

Last week, the Advertiser and the ABC reported that year 9 girls in a Renmark high school were exposed to the concept of bestiality and incest during a graphic ‘Respectful Relationships’ LGBTQI+ program. 

Parental permission was not sought before the delivery of the program to the young adolescents by HeadSpace, a taxpayer funded organisation. Reportedly, no teachers were present during the program.  

Some students felt so uncomfortable that they left for the bathroom and did not return. 

This shocking instance is an example ideology-based programs infiltrating schools and seeking to usurp the parents’ role when it comes to sexual, moral, and ethical education.  

According to the ABC, bestiality was described in detail as a part of the broader spectrum of sexual preferences in the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. 

Following community outrage, the Hon Sarah Game MLC has announced she will be introducing the “Education and Children’s Services (Parental Primacy) Amendment Bill 2024” to prohibit gender fluidity and ideological education in the classroom and to increase parents’ voice when it comes to school curriculum. 

Now, more than ever, it is critical you write to our Upper House Members and our Education Minister, Blair Boyer, to express your support for the removal of inappropriate sex education from our schools, as well as improved mechanisms for transparency and accountability. 

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In addition to the mental harm and confusion that can be caused by the delivery of inappropriate sex education, we also know that the introduction of gender ideology in schools is correlating with a decline in academic performance in Australia.  

Last year’s OECD results show that Australian 15-year-olds are underperforming in mathematics, reading, and science. Whereas Australia used to be a top-performing country, Australia now sits four years behind Singapore in maths, and two years behind in both reading and science. 

The National Curriculum’s focus on identity politics and critical theory is failing to equip Australia’s next generation of leaders with the basic essential skills needed to thrive – swapping out business competence and literary proficiency for anxiety about a world filled with systemic prejudice and bigotry. 

If you would like to support parental action in South Australia on refocusing the curriculum to improve academic outcomes, visit https://4thekids.com.au/  

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