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Victorian Premier Allan to Cancel the Lord’s Prayer

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Amidst the concerted effort in cancelling Australia Day by local councils and supermarkets such as Woolworths and Aldi, the new Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan has supported a fresh call to remove the Lord’s Prayer from the Victorian Parliament.    

Premier Allan said, “We are seeing greater cultural diversity – I think it’s important that we do look at reflecting that in our parliamentary practice…”.

Make no mistake, these aren’t just about cancelling our national day or removing a prayer. It is an act of eliminating our history and Judeo-Christian heritage, including God, from our country and from one of the most important institutions in our society. 

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The Lord’s Prayer has a legitimate place in Parliament and has been part of parliamentary process since 1918. It is symbolic of the Christian ethos underpinning Western civilisation that has fostered free and prosperous societies, including our liberal democracy.  

Responding to Premier Allan’s statement, Victorian State Director Jasmine Yuen said, “The Lord’s Prayer is more than merely a Christian prayer, it is an important tradition for all Australians. It is a reminder of the blessing we enjoy through our democratic system which is firmly rooted in our Christian heritage and Westminster system. As our community becomes more multicultural, the Lord’s Prayer grows in importance as it serves to unite us as Australian regardless of faith and ethnicity.” 

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