
Help reignite the fight for religious freedom

(Pictured: Brisbane mother Katrina Tait faced an inquiry from the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board after she supported ACL’s petition against the promotion of ‘Drag Queen Storytime’ to protect children.)

Laws to protect religious freedom have been on the backburner in Australian parliaments – and Christians are facing the consequences.

Your gift today will help initiate these important steps to reignite the fight for religious freedom:

  • You’ll help to tell the stories of those who get into trouble for living out their faith by producing video stories, so that politicians and the church can see the harsh consequences of our existing laws that offer little or no religious freedom protections, and be inspired to action.
  • You’ll resource your Activists for Truth to carry out campaigns and promotional activities on a national scale to put religious freedom back on the political agenda and see religious freedom laws passed.
  • You’ll make your voice heard by growing one of the largest grassroots movements in the nation with over 180,000 fellow supporters, ensuring that local politicians will be open to hearing about why religious freedom laws are so important.

Please give generously to help meet the $650,000 funding goal and ensure that more Christians and politicians are aware of how crucial this issue is.

Thank you for helping to reignite the fight for religious freedom!

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