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News Item

The worst medical scandal in 100 years is being exposed

The evidence is now mounting that the affirmation model of treatment for sex confused
children is wrong and harmful and is likely to be the “worst medical scandal in 100 years”.

“As the Australian reported on Tuesday 30 May 2021, a top Victorian Family Court barrister
Belle Lane has delivered a paper to the Federal Circuit and Family Court judges which
‘documents in forensic detail a lack of clinical consensus on the concept of gender
dysphoria, the diagnostic process or even whether a diagnosis is required to begin medical
treatment, and the benefits, risks and outcome of the medical pathway.’”

Read the article here.

ACL has been working on this issue for a long time. Wendy Francis led a delegation of
mums whose children have been affected by affirmation therapy to meet MPs in the Federal Parliament, arguing for an independent inquiry into the treatment of vulnerable children. We supported a seminar in the Tasmanian Parliament House on the same issue, and Christopher Brohier and Sarah Heys have been campaigning for over a year against
proposed laws in Tasmania which would mandate affirmation therapy to the irreversible harm of children. Now the issue is being made public and the tide is turning.

However, there is a long way to go. We need to be working hard and praying harder, so we
see the harmful and wrong sex fluid ideology which backs affirmation therapy removed from clinics, schools and public thinking. Therefore, we need your support. Please continue to pray and as the Lord leads give, and be involved in this great fight.

We are called to “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all
who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy
(Proverbs 31:8-9)” Our kids need us to so do. Let us not be found wanting!

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