Media Release

Peaceful Rally Against Anti-semitism Disrupted by Protestors

A peaceful rally organised by Christians in collaboration with the Jewish community to denounce antisemitism was disrupted on Sunday, 3 March, by pro-Palestinian group Lil-Aqsa. The South Australian Police (SAPOL) were all hands-on-deck, with horses and armed forces prepared to control the protest. 

Despite threats from the protestors, around 1,000 South Australians gathered at the steps of Parliament for the ‘Never Again Is Now’ event, holding Australian flags and posters with messaging – “Hey Mate, Say No to the Hate.” 

One of the speakers at the event was Ashlyn Vice, South Australian State Director for the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL). Miss Vice said, “The purpose of this rally was to speak out against the over 700% increase in ugly antisemitism since October. Irrespective of one’s geopolitical views, bullying and harassment towards Jewish people is not okay. Surely this is something every Australian can agree on. 

“It was incredibly disappointing to be drowned out by protestors holding posters claiming that the existence of Israel itself is a racist endeavour. I have personally spoken with Jewish Australians who feel threatened by the hatred directed towards them on university campuses and in the public.” 

Miss Vice continued, “Antisemitism is racism. It goes against all democratic principles and the spirit of our land of the ‘fair go’. People of Jewish descent should be welcome in Australia, not threatened. 

I’m grateful to belong to an organisation such as the ACL who have gathered over 11,000 signatures against antisemitism which will be presented to Julian Leeser MP in the Federal Parliament.” 

The ACL calls on the Australian Government to take a firm stance against antisemitic acts and incitements to hatred, reinforcing its commitment to fostering a safe and inclusive society. 

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