Media Release

SA Abortion Review Must Be Broad-Ranging

The Australian Christian Lobby today welcomed news that Greens’ MP Tammy Franks won’t progress her deregulation abortion bill until the SA Law Reform Institute has considered reforms. 

State director Christopher Brohier said, “It is wise for Ms Franks to wait until SALRI has been able to review the states abortion laws.”  

The Franks’ would completely deregulate abortion in SA and remove all gestation limits for termination and remove the two-doctor rule. 

“Such radical legislation removals must be properly considered by legal professionals,” warned Mr Brohier. 

“It is critical that the review consider the advance of science over the past forty years. When the laws were framed in 1969, preborn children’s viability was approximately 27-28 weeks, now it’s about 22 weeks. This fact must inform any amendment to the law.” 

Scientific advancement means we can now see a preborn child in the womb by means of ultrasound and there is no doubt that each is a living and sentient human being.  

“Forty years ago, this kind of technology wasn’t available. We could not be introduced to these preborn babies, now we can,” commented Mr Brohier.  

“There is also considerable evidence and research which shows that abortion coercion and abortion regret are real. It is imperative that the wellbeing of women be considered holistically and not just as part of an ideologically driven, pro-abortion movement,” Mr Brohier said.  

The Australian Christian Lobby welcomes the opportunity to present evidence and submissions to SA Law Reform Institute. 

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Serious Warning Against Commercial Surrogacy 

The European Parliament’s recent declaration that surrogacy arrangements bear similarities to human trafficking has cast a somber light on the ethical implications of commercial surrogacy, raising significant concerns about the exploitation of