Media Release

Centofanti leads the way in protecting women with the Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill 2023

In introducing the Summary Offences (Prostitution Law Reform) Amendment Bill 2023 the Honourable Nicola Centofanti MLC has followed the lead of countries known for their promotion of equality between genders such as Sweden, France, Canada, Ireland, Norway and Ireland who have introduced Nordic-style prostitution legislation reform. The European Parliament has also approved this model as best practice for preventing sexual exploitation in prostitution. Centofanti’s bill is an Australian specific form of this legislation referred to globally as the Equality Model of prostitution law, which is primarily developed on the understanding that prostitution is sexual servitude.

Christopher Brohier the South Australian Director of the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) said, “Dr Centofanti’s Bill adopts a survivor driven model. Prostitution survivor groups have been calling for this change for many years.

He continued, “This model has been proven internationally to reduce demand, in turn reducing the number of women lured, coerced or trafficked into prostitution. South Australia (SA) has always led the way for women’s rights and this Bill is fit for purpose for the 21st century world where ‘Women’s bodies are no longer for sale’.

The ACL has been arguing for this model of prostitution law reform to be introduced for many years.

The ACL calls on the SA Legislative Council and in turn the Legislative Assembly to pass the Bill. SA women deserve no less. The eyes of many are on the SA Parliament, urging it to act in the tradition of SA Parliaments which have gone before and lead this reform.

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