Media Release

No More Free Speech In Tasmania

The Australian Christian Lobby regrets the Tasmanian parliament has been overcome by ideological debate, ensuring the Transgender activists obtained everything on their wish list.

“ACL welcomes Premier Hodgman’s statement today that his government would be open to repealing the Bill, should it have the opportunity,” said acting state director Dan Flynn.   

“The sad fact is the government was outnumbered today when Liberal Speaker, Sue Hickey, crossed the floor to vote with the ALP and the Greens.”  

“What was the ‘marriage amendments bill’ now allows regular changes of gender to an infinite variety of genders; all to be recorded on near meaningless birth certificates.”  

“What is incredibly concerning is that no consideration has been given to the impact on women’s refuges, schools, and clubs,” warned Mr Flynn.  

“Under the Bill, prisoners will be able to demand accommodation in prisons that accord with the gender they choose.  That is not in the interests of the justice system or broader community.”  

The Bill will also introduce compelled speech and weaponise the Anti-Discrimination Act to fine people for offending a trans person.   

“Pronouns are becoming far more numerous and varied, especially for those who identify as genders that do not sit anywhere on a male-female spectrum. It is unreasonable to expect that people will always satisfy a trans persons preferred mode of address.”  

“In a final capitulation to the trans lobby, the Parliament made special provisions for trans ‘males’ to be pregnant and have abortions.”  

“This Bill is a lesson in bad lawmaking. The ALP, the Greens, and the Liberal Speaker cast aside the concerns expressed by the Solicitor-General, the Police Commissioner and the broader community, all to placate a small minority of trans activists”.  said Mr Flynn. 

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